I just figured this out. It took a realization or two but I did it. Women love reading into what men say.

With texting, it only gets more complicated. It’s understandable. I’ve mis-duplicated texts before. So, to avoid the drama of unnecessary advances I’ve become increasingly more blunt with people; mainly chicks. I’ve been confused as being a dick. I can be, but that’s not the intention. Once a girl gets to know me they learn it’s just how I am.

“I think we should have sex so we can get rid of the sexual tension between us”
Yeah, I’ve said that.

The advantages of being blunt are endless. I don’t waste as much time trying to explain myself. I let every girl know what I’m about up front. If they get disappointed expecting more, which OFTEN occurs (what the fuck is that about? If I tell you I’m going to act a certain way, you should expect me to act that way. Nothing more, nothing less.) I remind them of our prior conversations – the argument ends. Being that I hate arguments, it’s perfect. Another advantage, depending on what I go after (sex) it becomes less of a game and I get what I want faster.

“I want your number, but only if we’re fuck buddies.”
Said that too. And, yes, I got her number.

Truthfully, I don’t really have a censor. That deteriorated with all the relationships with women throughout my lifetime. Oh, and I enjoy shocking people with theĀ  brain diarrhea that spills out of my mouth.

It’s also easier. Why say/ask something in a roundabout kind of way when all you want is a straight answer? It doesn’t make sense and I wish you’d stop it. Say what’s on your mind and I guarantee you’ll be happier for it.

So that’s why I’m blunt. If you don’t like, go fuck yourself.